Exterior of Greenfield Administration Building

Marty Wolf

Marty Wolf Marty Wolf Business Administration Visiting Professor Email: martin.wolf@gxitma.net Phone: 414.443.8731

Marty Wolf


  • Bachelor of Science, Accounting - Marquette University
  • Master of Dispute Resolution - Pepperdine University School of Law


I first experienced Wisconsin Lutheran College as an undergraduate student fulfilling some of my theology requirements for graduation from Marquette University’s College of Business Administration. Upon graduation, WLC's first president, Dr. Gary J. Greenfield, recruited me to be the college’s first full-time admissions employee. Dr. Greenfield later promoted me to director of admissions and, with the Lord's help, we recruited a then-record class of 59 students!

I returned to our family industrial/commercial construction business, leading the company with my brother for 36 years up until our sale in 2020. Over that time, I served as vice president of sales and marketing, senior project manager, CFO, and company president. We had offices in Wisconsin and Illinois and worked in 12 states.

In 2018, I was elected to the office of County Supervisor serving the 11th District of Ozaukee County. Today, in my fourth term of office, I serve as first vice chairman of the board, a member of the executive committee, and chair of the public works committee.

Immediately prior to coming to WLC, I served as the vice president of administration for the Green Lake Conference Center. There I lead a wide range of special projects serving to advance the mission of the Conference Center.

In addition to teaching full time at WLC, I provide business consulting and help people and organizations resolve disputes as a professional mediator and arbitrator.


  • BUS 181 Principles of Microeconomics
  • BUS 182 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • BUS 201 Business Analysis
  • BUS 303 Business Law
  • MGT 351 Managerial Accounting for Managers
  • MGT 360 Project Management
  • BML 411 Business Law


  • Forward Ozaukee Inc., President of the Board of Directors
  • East Wisconsin Counties Railroad Consortium, Board of Directors
  • Summer Adventure Camps (Kids Ages 10-14), Leader and Teacher
  • Adult Bible Class, Writer/Teacher
  • Ozaukee County Board of Supervisors, First Vice Chairman