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Aimee Lau

Aimee Lau Aimee Lau Communication Professor Email: aimee.lau@gxitma.net Phone: 414.443.8588

Aimee Lau


  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013
  • M.A., Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2006 
  • B.A., Communication & Psychology, Wisconsin Lutheran College, 2003


I am a 2003 alumna of Wisconsin Lutheran College. When I started as a student at WLC, I had no clear direction regarding the major that I would pursue. The Lord blessed me by leading me to several female faculty members who became invaluable mentors, individuals who I am now privileged to count as colleagues and friends. I am excited to be serving my alma mater as a professor in the Department of Communication.

I grew up in Wauwatosa, only minutes from WLC. I am the oldest of four children, with two younger sisters and one younger brother. I am a proud aunt to six beautiful nieces and nephews. Currently, I am a member at St. James in Milwaukee and enjoy playing for the Jubilate Ringers (handbell choir) and singing in the Senior Choir. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, spending time with friends and family, and working part-time for the Milwaukee Brewers.


Currently, I serve as the Basic Course Coordinator, overseeing anywhere from 10-14 sections of COM 101 taught each year. In this role, I work to maintain consistency in student experience across all sections of COM 101 and engage in regular assessment to ensure a positive experience for all involved.

  • COM 101 Introduction to Communication
  • COM 205 Research Methods
  • COM 211 Small Group Communication
  • COM 260 Interpersonal Communication
  • COM 311 Listening

Research Interests

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) – research that focuses on studying teaching practices and the impact on student learning
  • Social media and its influences in various contexts

Scholarly Works

Select Publications

Lau, A. (2017). Training and development. In M. Allen (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods (pp. 1173-1176 ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Lau, A. (2016, February 14). Social media for educators: Strategies and best practices. (Book Review). Central States Communication Association Newsletter, 84(1), 3-5.

Uecker, D. C., Schmidt, J. J., & Lau, A. R. (2014). Motivations for friendships: Russia, Croatia, and the United States. Journal of the Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri, 44, 1-16. 

Allen, M., Dilbeck, K., England, N., Herrman, A., Kartch, F., Kim, J., Kulovitz, K., Lau, A., Maier, M., May, A., McNallie, J., Omori, K., & Shoji, K. (2012). Test of a causal model for sexual harassment using data from a meta-analysis. In N. Burrell, M. Allen, R. Preiss, and B. Gayle (Eds.), Research on Conflict: Advances Through Meta-Analysis. Mahwah, NJ: Taylor and Francis.

Dindia, K., Lau, A., Hsu, S., & Garber, P. (2010). I need some space: Friends through good times and bad times. In D. O. Braithwaite and J. T. Wood (Eds.), Casing interpersonal communication: Case studies in personal and social relationships (pp. 43 to 50). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.  

Select Presentations

Lau, A., Young., L. B., Spates, S., Robbins, R., Wang, T., Westwick, J., Gattoni, A., & Wahl, S. (2021). Lessons learned : Pondering inspiring practices to take forward into a post-pandemic world. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Conference (virtual).

Lau, A. (2018). Appreciative listening and generational differences : Play across the ages. Presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. (Great Ideas For Teaching Speech)

Lau, A., Uecker, D. C., Gattoni, A., Timmerman, C. E., Johnson, M., Angel, A., Italiano, R., & Moudry, J. (2018). Made a difference to me : The importance of mentoring in undergraduate education. Panel presentation at the Central States Communication Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Lau, A. (2017). Analyzing personal communicative tendencies : Evaluation of perceptions. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (Great Ideas for Teaching Speech)

Lau, A. (2015). Facebook as a facilitator of organizational identification in colleges and universities: Exploring relationships among educational institutions. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Lau, A. (2014, November). Facebook as a facilitator of organizational identification in colleges and universities and with mutiple organizational targets. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, IL. (Top Paper)

Moudry, J., & Lau, A. (2013, November). Enhancing connections in basic course learning groups : The impact of full-semester versus partial-semester learning groups on learning group identification, cohesion, and communication in the basic communication course. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Washington, D.C. (Top Paper)

Uecker, D., Schmidt, J., & Lau, A. (2012, March). Making connections: Friendship in Russia, Croatia, and the United States. Paper presentation at the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH.

Kim, J., Lau, A., & Mascarenhas, M. (2011, April). Expressing frustration regarding customer service : The relationships among customers’ conflict management style, complaint behavior, and media selection. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Lau, A., Pincon, D., & Meyers, R. (2009, November). Group-centered learning in the classroom: Addressing student perspectives. Poster presentation at National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.


  • Advisor to Sisters in Service (student organization)
  • Faculty Affairs Committee (2020 – present)
  • General Education Committee (2014 – 2019)
  • Coordinator of poster showcases for undergraduate research
  • COL 101 Mentor
  • Faculty Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Student Institutional Review Board (SIRB)
  • Central States Communication Association – Undergraduate Education & Administration Section (Chair 2020 – 2021, Vice-Chair 2019 & 2022, Secretary 2016 – 2018)


  • National Communication Association
  • Central States Communication Association